A new Website for CoESS

A new Website for CoESS

The CoESS Board of Directors and Team are proud to present the new CoESS Website, operational as of end-January 2016.  As the previous website was no longer supported by the Microsoft platform, the Board decided to use the opportunity to modernize it and, in line with current browsers’ habits, make it more interactive, reduce text and increase visuals – pictures and videos.

The extranet is also being completely revamped, with a view to making searches for documents easier and more intuitive. Members will receive a new login and password for the new extranet.  

An eNewsletter will also be sent 10 months per year.  Members and contacts will receive a monthly email, with visuals and summaries of the articles and a direct link to the website to access the complete news.

Finally, the CoESS Team, Catherine Piana and Chantal Verlaet, will have new email addresses in line with the CoESS domain name. In the future, you should send your emails to and  

The current email addresses will continue to function for some time, to give every one the time to make the change.

As these tools have been developed for your comfort and convenience, and a website is a “living thing”, do feel free to send us your feedback, so that we can optimize it.

See you soon as


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