
CoESS joins German members at BDSW General Assembly in Freiburg

CoESS had the pleasure to join its German colleagues at BDSW for their Annual General Assembly on 15 and 16 May in Freiburg. It was not only an excellent opportunity for Alexander Frank, Deputy Director General, to meet the new CEO of BDSW, Dr Peter Schwark, but also to touch base with the German private security business community on the most pressing topics of the industry in Germany. The meeting took place in the light of the EU elections, including an impressive Opening Speech of Vice-President of European Parliament, Rainer Wieland, as well as the future German legislation on private security services. 

The hot topics in Germany are clearly a new upcoming sectoral law on the private security services and the transposition of the EU CER Directive in form of the KRITIS Dachgesetz. Some topics stood out for CoESS at EU-level:

- Inadequate public procurement legislation, specifically in private security services, remains an issue across the EU and a stumbling block to the sustainable development of our sector. The call for a revision of the EU Public Procurement Directive remains an important priority for CoESS.
- Companies still have to deal with a substantive amount of unnecessary administrative burden, which urgently needs to be addressed – also by EU lawmakers. CoESS will therefore engage with EU institutions on how to cut unnecessary red-tape for businesses.
- Labour and skills shortages are THE key concern for companies today. We are therefore glad to receive new EU-funding for our Social Partner Project "INTEL: Next Generation", of which BDSW is associated partner. As part of the project, we will look into approaches to attract more young workers into the sector and reflect on existing training frameworks in the light of future skills requirements.

Alexander Frank had the opportunity to also provide an update on CoESS activities and to explain why EU legislation counts for every business, and increasingly in the private security services – from public procurement and the CER Directive to the EU AI Act and EU Drone Regulation. Likewise he underlines the productive collaboration with BDSW at EU-level, notably in EU Sectoral Social Dialogue.