
White Papers on the Security Industry

CoESS has published a range of White Papers and Guidelines on the Security Industry since 2008.

The latest White Papers and Guidelines address Cybersecurity, Passenger Ship Security, Critical Infrastructure Protection, Transport Security, and the importance of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs).

Please see below an overview of the past publications:


CoESS Charter on the ethical and responsible use of AI in the European private security services

What Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are driving innovation in security and what core principles should guide the ethical use of AI in the security industry to harness its potential while mitigating its risks? These are some of the questions that the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) is addressing with its new Charter on the Ethical and Responsible Use of AI in the European security services.


White Paper - Public-Private Partnerships: Unlocking the Potential for Enhanced Security

This White Paper aims to identify, define, and describe Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in
 Europe, highlighting their crucial role in enhancing security across various environments.


EU Elections Manifesto 2024

On the occasion of the EU Elections 2024, CoESS publishes a Manifesto of the European Security Industry with a set of 5 holistic recommendations on how to create a more secure Europe in all its dimensions during the next legislative term. 


White Paper - European Training Manual Manual for Maritime Security Personnel (2023)

The CoESS Maritime & Port Security Committee has joined forces over the past two years and has updated the training manual for security personnel, which was created in 2008.


CoESS and International Security Ligue - Cyber Physical Security and CI

Cyber-Physical Security and Critical Infrastructure - Protecting nations and societies in the era of connected systems and hybrid threats. With the aim of improving resilience of the world's critical infrastructure, this new report is a joint project of the International Security Ligue and the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS).


EU Study - The State of Labour and Skills Shortages in the European Private Security Services

As part of the EU-funded INTEL project, CoESS and UNI Europa are publishing the first-ever EU-wide survey on labour and skills shortages.


CoESS White Paper - The New Normal 2.0: Private Security and COVID-19 in Europe

Thought-leaders in the European private security services examine the role of the industry during the pandemic, the economic impact of the crisis on different business segments, and its role as an amplifier of change in the sector. The paper provides 10 recommendations to better support essential services delivered by private security for better management of the current situation in Europe.


CoESS and Euralarm - Joint Cybersecurity Guidelines

Cybersecurity breaks up the borders between product development, design, installation, operational continuity, and alarm response. Developed in collaboration with Euralarm, the guidelines highlight that when addressing cybersecurity, it is important to understand that all steps are inter-related in a security supply chain.


CoESS White Paper - The Security Continuum in the New Normal

With the support of CoESS' Italian member Federsicurezza, the White Paper takes a look at the evolution of private security services, drivers of change in the private security businesses, and guidelines for the set-up of public-private partnerships to effectively tackle today’s challenges to public security.


CoESS White Paper - Passenger Ship Security

In this confidential White Paper, CoESS alerts the EU and national authorities and stakeholders to the security risks linked to passenger ships, and makes suggestions on how to mitigate these. Written by maritime security experts, the paper is not intended for public circulation and can be obtained on a need to know basis with Chantal Verlaet, Policy and Communication Officer -


CoESS White Paper - Best Practices in Transport Security

CoESS provides an assessment of both existing and future threats to the different modes of transportation, evaluates the state of relevant legislation and standards on EU-level, and identifies gaps, shortcomings and loopholes in the security supply chain based on our experience. 


CoESS White Paper - Dispatch centers / control rooms for human guard force operations

The purpose of this White Paper is to propose minimal general rules and guidelines to assure that each guard on duty – usually in the absence of his hierarchy or in emergency situations - is able to rely on professional dispatch and control centers in compliance with local or EU legislation.


CoESS White Paper - Critical Infrastructure Security and Protection - The Public-Private Opportunity

This White Paper advocates for a revision of Directive 2008/114 on European Critical Infrastructures and more efficient public-private partnerships for the better protection of Critical Infrastructure. It also provides respective guidelines and checklists for all parties involved.


CoESS and BDSW White Paper - The New Security Company

Together with its German member BDSW, CoESS looks at the evolution of the private security industry and the impact of technological developments, demographic change, and market expectations - defining the "new security company".


CoESS and APROSER White Paper - The socio-economic added value of private security services in Europe

The content of this fourth CoESS White Paper, drafted in collaboration with Spanish member APROSER, focuses mostly from an economic perspective on the added value of private security services in Europe, referring to the need for new ideas that are legitimately supported by existing scientific literature.


CoESS and APEG-BVBO White Paper - Private security in Belgium; an inspiration for Europe?

This third White Paper, CoESS looks at the Belgian legislation regulating private security services, and assesses to which extent the Belgian model can serve as an inspiration for other countries - drafted with the support of Belgian member APEG-BVBO.


CoESS White Paper - Private and public security in the Nordic countries

This second CoESS White Paper looks at the role of private security in the public security framework in the Nordic Countries, and provides best practice examples on public-private partnerships based on lessons learned of Almega Private Security.


CoESS and INHES White Paper - Private security and its role in European security

Including a foreword by the President of the Republic of France, Nicolas Sarkozy, this very first CoESS White Paper highlights the added value that private security provides and raises awareness of the fact that the sector delivers vital services and plays a key role in national and global security policy.

Facts and Figures

CoESS’ study on ‘Private Security in Europe – CoESS Facts & Figures’ provides a comprehensive overview of the European private security services industry.