

Position Paper - EU Internal Security Strategy

CoESS makes recommendations for the forthcoming EU Internal Security Strategy.


Position Paper - Revision of the EU Public Procurement Directive

CoESS makes concrete proposals on how to simplify the EU Public Procurement Directive by enhancing legal certainty for public buyers, promoting best value procurement at the benefit of public security.


Position Paper - How to drive a secure, fair and competitive Europe

In the spirit of our EU Elections Manifesto 2024, the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) commits to supporting the EU Institutions in delivering on strategic objectives of the EU throughout the new legislative term and provides in this paper concrete recommendations and commitments.


Joint Statement - GDPR Implementation Report 2024

An industry coalition of 23 international associations from multiple sectors, including CoESS, issued a joint statement, calling for a paradigm shift to reaffirm the GDPR's risk-based approach as the guiding principle.


Position Paper - Contribution to European Commission Consultation - How to Master Europe’s Digital Infrastructure Needs

In this paper, CoESS calls for transparency in infrastructure investments (e.g. in the case of the 5G transition), EU regulation that promotes innovation and legal certainty, as well as robust security measures that adapt to evolving threats in a technologically connected environment.


Work Programme - CoESS and UNI Europa - EU Sectoral Social Dialogue 2024-2025

CoESS and UNI Europa agreed on a range of matters of priority for the European Sectoral Social Dialogue for Private Security - including skills and education, regulatory affairs and standards, health and safety, as well as digitalisation and the attractiveness of the sector.


Position Paper - Contribution to Social Partner Consultation - EU Action Plan on Labour and Skills Shortages

CoESS highly welcomes the initiative of the European Commission to launch an EU Action Plan to address labour and skills Shortages in collaboration with Social Partners. We hence appreciate the possibility to contribute to the debate from the view of the private security services. This paper is based on the findings of the recently EU-funded Social Partner project “INTEL: Skills Intelligence for the Private Security Industry”, led from 2021-2023 by the European Sectoral Social Partners in the Private Security Services, CoESS and UNI Europa (all findings available at Our input refers directly to the questions put forward by the Commission.


Joint Statement - CoESS and UNI Europa - Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Non-Discrimination in the European Private Security Services

The objective of this Joint Statement is to advance the principles of diversity, equality, and inclusion within the European Private Security Services sector, leveraging the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue. It represents the perspectives of both CoESS and UNI Europa regarding the European Private Security Services industry, while also acknowledging the potential for further development in Social Dialogue and Collective Bargaining, at both the company and national levels, without imposing any limitations.


Joint Statement - CoESS and APEG-BVBO - Fostering public security in Europe

In this Joint Statement, CoESS and APEG-BVBO underline their commitment to support the Belgian EU Council Presidency and make recommendations of the private security industry on how to support enhanced public security at EU-level.


Position Paper - Contribution to Trilogue Negotiations on the EU AI Act

CoESS congratulates the European Parliament and Council for the crucial improvements tabled to the European Commission proposal for an EU AI Act. With this position paper, CoESS highlights key proposals of both institutions, which we recommend should be kept in a final agreement or which we believe require further clarification or a more balanced approach that promotes innovation, security and legal certainty for companies integrating AI in their future services. 


Joint Statement - CoESS and APROSER - For a secure, resilient and future-proof Europe

With this statement, the European and Spanish representatives of the security industry declare their commitment to support the efforts of the Spanish EU Council Presidency on a large range of matters impacting not only the security services, but public security overall.


Position Paper - Contribution to Trilogue Negotiations on the EU Data Act

CoESS congratulates the European Parliament and Council for the highly important improvements tabled to the European Commission proposal for an EU Data Act. With this position paper, CoESS highlights key proposals of both institutions, which are recommended to be kept in a final agreement. 


Position Paper - Recommendations for the upcoming C-UAS Package

With this paper, the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) follows up on the European Commission’s roadmap on “EU Security – Countering the Threat from Drones”, in support of the future actions to be announced in the upcoming Communication on C-UAS.


Position Paper - Implementation of the EU Drone Strategy 2.0 and Recommendations for new Standard Scenarios

With this paper, the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) follows up on the EU Drone Strategy 2.0 and the European Commission’s Flagship Action 3 to develop new European Standard Scenarios for low to medium risk aerial operations. In the Annex, CoESS recommends the European Aviation Safety Agency to develop two new European Standard Scenarios, in BVLOS and VLOS, for the surveillance of Critical Infrastructure and related facilities.


Joint Statement - CoESS and Säkerhetsföretagen - For future-proof security and competitiveness in Europe

With this Statement, the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) and Säkerhetsföretagen express their commitment to support the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU in its security agenda and, importantly, activities related to the EU Artificial Intelligence Act and EU Data Act. 


European Sectoral Social Partner - Joint Letter on the review of the rules on the financing of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees

Together with 32 European Sectoral Social Partners organisations, CoESS expresses in a letter to European Commission Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis and Commissioner Nicolas Schmit serious concerns regarding the review of the rules on the financing of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees. 


Joint Declaration - CoESS and UNI Europa - Public Procurement and Collective Bargaining

CoESS and UNI Europa call on the European Commission to amend the EU Public Procurement rules in order to ensure a better promotion of collective bargaining and social dialogue.


Supplement Position - EU AI Act and Biometrics

In a supplement to the CoESS in-depth assessment of the EU AI Act, CoESS calls on negotiators in European Parliament to clearly distinguish in the legal text between biometric identification on the one, and biometric verification and authentication on the other hand.


Joint Statement - CoESS and Euralarm - EU Data Act

The European Security Industry, represented by CoESS and Euralarm, expresses its serious concerns about the present proposal for an EU Data Act and calls on European Parliament and Council to exclude data related to the provision of security services from the scope of the proposal.


Position Paper - EU Data Act

CoESS is wary in this position paper of the EU Data Act’s impact in public and private security. Concretely, CoESS calls on the EU legislator to exclude private security services, similar to the field of public security, from the scope of Chapters I-VI, and Chapters VI-VII – hence all chapters except the sharing of data with public authorities in case of an emergency.


Position Paper - Response to Social Partner Consultation on an EU Disability Employment Package

With this statement, the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) commits to support the European Commission and Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the launch of the Disability Employment Package.


Position Paper - CoESS Social Partner consultation on access to essential services

In preparation to the upcoming EU Report on Access to Essential Services, CoESS has contributed with this position paper to the Commission's Social Partner Consultation. The position paper focuses on the increasingly limited access of European citizens to essential cash services, which has a particularly strong impact on the most disadvantaged groups in our society.


Briefing Note - EN 17483-1

EN 17483-1 is a certifiable quality standard for private security companies that deliver services for critical infrastructure protection (CIP). It specifies service requirements for quality in organisation, processes, personnel and management.


Position Paper - EU Strategy on Standardisation

With the position paper, CoESS welcome the European Commission's Communication and makes recommendations for future steps that can enhance the strategic relevance of Standards in Europe.


Work Programme - CoESS and UNI Europa - European Sectoral Social Dialogue 2022-2023

With their new Work Programme, CoESS and UNI Europa do not only continue their 30 year long relationship of trust and collaboration in European Sectoral Social Dialogue for the Private Security Services. They commit to tackle today’s most pressing challenges to the sector jointly. While skills and labour shortages are clearly high on the agenda, the Social Partners continue to address systemic challenges to the sustainability of the industry - empowering national Social Partners to manage the manifold drivers of change and their impact on workers and businesses.


Joint Statement - CoESS and UNI Europa - On a future EU Directive for the Resilience of Critical Entities

With this Joint Statement, the European Sectoral Social Partners in the Private Security Sector - the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) and UNI Europa - call on European co-legislators to agree on important quality control and social provisions for security services as part of the future EU Directive on the Resilience of Critical Entities. 


Joint Statement - CoESS and GES - For a Europe that protects

With this Statement, the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) and the Groupement des Entreprises de Sécurité (GES) express their anticipation for the EU Council Presidency of the Republic of France. 


Joint Statement - CoESS and GES - Pour une Europe qui protège

With this Statement, the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) and the Groupement des Entreprises de Sécurité (GES) express their anticipation for the EU Council Presidency of the Republic of France. (FRENCH VERSION)


Position Paper - Review of the EU Working Time Directive

This position paper accompanies the response of the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) to the European Commission Consultation on the Review of the EU Working Time Directive.


Position Paper - European Drone Strategy 2.0

This position paper accompanies the response of the Confederation of European Security Services (CoESS) to the European Commission’s consultation on a Drones Strategy 2.0. 


Position Paper - European Commission Proposal for a European Artificial Intelligence Act

CoESS recommends in this paper important amendments to the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation laying down harmonised rules for Artificial Intelligence (EU AI Act) – stressing that the proposal must provide legal certainty and take into account practical implications of its provisions on security and AI-enabled services.


Position Paper - European Commission Consultation on adapting liability rules to the digital age and AI

This position paper accompanies the response of CoESS to the European Commission’s consultation on adapting liability rules to the digital age and Artificial Intelligence (AI). CoESS supports a targeted revision of the EU product liability framework with strict and coherent rules, which are adapted to the specific character of a disruptive technology such as AI and create legal certainty for users of AI systems. 


Joint Statement - CoESS and UNI Europa - European Commission’s Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030

The European Sectoral Social Partners for the Private Security Services welcome the European Commission’s Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030 and commit to a number of actions to support the better integration of people with disabilities in the private security services.


Position Paper - European Parliament’s Report for the Directive on the resilience of critical entities

CoESS highly welcomes the report of the European Parliament on the European Commission’s proposal for a Directive on the resilience of critical entities (“CER Directive”). 


Joint Statement on the Slovenian EU Council Presidency - CoESS and ZRSZV - Together for a sustainable recovery and resilient Europe

On the occasion of the Slovenia Presidency of the EU Council, CoESS and the Slovenian Chamber of Private Security (ZRSZV) have published a Joint Statement, expressing the commitment of the European private security industry to support the Presidency in its efforts to pave the way for a sustainable recovery and resilient Europe.


Position Paper - Contribution to the Consultation on the Review of EU Sectoral Social Dialogue

CoESS welcomes the European Commission’s initiative to review the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue, and is glad to hereby contribute to this exercise. Our input is based on the experiences of the CoESS Secretariat in Brussels and our national affiliates in 17 EU Member States and includes 10 concrete recommendations for improvements.


Position Paper - Social Partner Consultation on 2021 Report on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

CoESS contributes to the European Commission’s Social Partner Consultation on “Fundamental rights and Artificial intelligence” as part of the Commission’s annual report on the application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights in the EU.


Joint Statement - EU Minimum wage initiative lacks legal basis

European employers’ organisation of the tech & industry, security industry, banking, chemicals, cleaning & facility services, retail & wholesale, construction, agriculture, hotel & gastronomy and private employment services industry are concerned about the implications of the proposal for a Directive on adequate minimum wages.


Position Paper - EU guidelines for the protection of public spaces

CoESS welcomes the opportunity to contribute to deliberations at the European Commission and European Council on future activities concerning the better protection of public spaces against acts of terrorism and other serious crime.


Position Paper - The European Commission's Proposal for a Directive on the Resilience of Critical Entities

CoESS comments on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Directive on the resilience of critical entities. CoESS welcomes the proposal as an important step towards better Critical Infrastructure Protection in Europe, but calls for further amendments which are in line with the Proposal for a NIS Directive 2 and the Report of the European Parliament's Special Committee on Terrorism - notably regarding the procurement of private security services and the use of European and international Standards for the resilience of Critical Infrastructure.


Joint Statement - European Services Social Partners - Strengthening Social Dialogue

The European Services’ social partners adopted a joint statement entitled Strengthening sectoral social dialogue in the services industry: The all-important role of social partners in building a resilient Europe.


Joint Statement on the Portuguese EU Council Presidency - CoESS and AES - Paving the way for European recovery and resilience

On the occasion of the Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council, CoESS and the Associação de Empresas de Segurança (AES) have published a Joint Statement, expressing the commitment of the European private security industry to support the Presidency in its efforts to pave the way for a future-oriented and sustainable recovery.


Position Paper - The European Commission’s Proposal for a Directive on adequate Minimum Wages in the EU

CoESS comments on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Directive on adequate Minimum Wages in the EU. As European Sectoral Social Partner for Private Security Services, CoESS has participated in the two previous Social Partner Consultations and objected, like all European employer groups, to any legally binding action on minimum wages at EU-level.


Statement - A coordinated EU approach to the restriction of free movement in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

CoESS calls on EU Member States to rapidly implement the Council Recommendation on a coordinated approach to the restriction of free movement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic (2020/1475), and welcomes the European Commission’s Communication on additional COVID-19 response measures (COM(2020) 687). 


Joint Statement - CoESS and UNI Europa - Tackling undeclared work in the private security sector

In support of the European Campaign for Declared Work led by the European Commission, CoESS and UNI Europa issue a Joint Statement on tackling undeclared work in the private security sector.


Joint Statement to the 10th anniversary of the Multi-sectoral guidelines to tackle third-party violence and harassment related to work

It’s been 10 years that Social Partners from different sectors, including CoESS, signed guidelines on third-party violence. Today, the signatories reaffirm that their sectors continue to address third-party violence and all forms of harassment related to work. To this date, the guidelines remain the only instrument signed by multiple European sectoral Social Dialogue Committees and are considered one of the significant achievements of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue.


Joint Statement - EBSA - Helping Europe to reopen after the COVID-19 pandemic

With this statement, the European Business Services Alliance (EBSA) calls for an open dialogue between the European Commission, services sectors associations and others to pave the way for an economic and social recovery in Europe, building on the role of business services in helping Europe to reopen.


Position Paper - Guidance for the resumption of cruise ship operations in the EU

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has revealed plans to coordinate the development of guidance for the resumption of operations of cruise ships in the EU during the COVID-19 situation. In this document, CoESS provides recommendations from the private security sector.


Gemeinsame Erklärung zur deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft - CoESS und BDSW - Eine resiliente Europäische Union gestalten

Anlässlich der deutschen EU-Ratspräsidentschaft geben die CoESS und ihr deutsches Mitglied, der Bundesverband der Sicherheitswirtschaft (BDSW), eine gemeinsame Erklärung ab, um die europäischen Institutionen und die Deutschland bei den historischen Bemühungen um die Gestaltung einer widerstandsfähigen Europäischen Union zu unterstützen.


Joint Statement on the German EU Council Presidency - CoESS and BDSW - Shaping a resilient European Union

On the occasion of the German Presidency of the EU Council, CoESS and its German member, the Bundesverband der Sicherheitswirtschaft (BDSW), issue a joint statement to support the European Institutions and German EU Council Presidency in the historic effort to shape a resilient European Union.


Position Paper - White Paper on Artificial Intelligence - A European Approach

CoESS welcomes the European Commission’s White Paper on Artificial Intelligence – A European Approach to Excellence and Trust (COM(2020)65). As European representative of the private security industry, in this paper CoESS focuses on the use of AI systems in the domain of security and law enforcement. This position paper accompanies CoESS’ official participation in the European Commission’s public consultation on the White Paper on Artificial Intelligence.


Position Paper - European Social Partner Consultation on Pay Transparency

This position paper is a summary of CoESS' response to the European Commission's Social Partner Consultation concerning binding pay transparency measures at EU-level, following the publication of the European Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025.


Position Paper - European Commission Communication “Tourism and Transport in 2020 and beyond”

In this position paper, CoESS highly welcomes the Communication and guidelines published by the European Commission, particularly on tourism and transport. As a next step, we must ensure their safe implementation. CoESS believes that this will only be possible with financial support and public-private collaboration, including dialogue with private security.


Joint Statement - EBSA - Good contracting practices in the COVID-19 crisis

The challenges arising from the COVID-19 crisis on the private security sector are exacerbated by bad contracting practices which represent a severe challenge to many companies that are essential for a gradual and safe economic recovery in Europe. On this basis, the European Business Services Alliance, EBSA, calls on European and national authorities to take action and engage with businesses and trade associations to discuss practical, temporary solutions for the business services sectors.


Joint Declaration - CoESS and UNI Europa - Ensuring business continuity and protection of workers in the COVID-19 pandemic

The European Social Partners in Private Security have issued a joint declaration on ensuring business continuity and protection of workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. With a focus on the phase entailing the gradual lifting of containment measures, it recommends on EU and national competent authorities to engage with sectoral social partners in private security on a number of most urgent issues that matter for a safe and secure recovery.


Joint Statement - EBSA - Joint EU Roadmap to lifting coronavirus containment measures

The European Business Services Alliance (EBSA) supports the Joint Roadmap to lifting the containment measures. Based on several economic support packages and the useful recommendations on how to gradually lift containment measures, the EBSA calls on the European Commission to continue supporting with targeted measures the most affected sectors and their ecosystems, under recognition of the essential role that business services play for their economic recovery.


Statement - Call for EU measures towards a safe and secure economic recovery of the tourism and transport sectors

CoESS calls on the EU to provide (1) targeted aid to the tourism and transport sectors; (2) common guidelines that ensure a safe and secure return to freedom of movement and tourism within the Schengen Zone; and (3) better engagement of competent authorities with private security associations to support this process.


Statement - Better recognition of private security for safe and secure economic recovery in the COVID-19 situation

With some European countries gradually lifting containment measures, CoESS takes stock and looks at how we can organise a safe and secure economic recovery that puts the health of citizens first. To support decision-makers in formulating solutions for this new normal, CoESS conducted a survey among national associations about the role of private security in supporting crisis management. 


Statement - Call for pro-active engagement with the Private Security Sector on the COVID-19 situation

Based on CoESS' “Observations and Recommendations on the COVID-19 Situation”, published on 26 March 2020, this statement urges competent authorities in Europe to pro-actively cooperate with private security trade associations 


Statement - Observations and Recommendations on the COVID-19 Situation

CoESS has gathered immediate observations from its members on the implications of the COVID-19 situation on businesses and workers across Europe. As a result, this statement makes suggestions for how to tackle this crisis together.


Position Paper - Possible EU Action related to fair minimum wages

CoESS welcomes the opportunity to participate in the first phase consultation of Social Partners on a possible EU action addressing the challenges related to fair minimum wages, and raises doubts on the legal basis for any binding EU action.


Work Programme - CoESS and UNI Europa - Social Dialogue 2020-2021

CoESS and UNI Europa agreed on a range of matters of priority for the European Sectoral Social Dialogue for Private Security - including skills and education, regulatory affairs and standards, health and safety, as well as digitalisation and the attractiveness of the sector.


Joint Statement - CoESS and UNI Europa - Skills Agenda for Europe

In response to a Social Partner consultation, CoESS and UNI Europa provided recommendations on the update of the Skills Agenda for Europe, which aims to tackle labour shortages and skills mismatches on EU-level.


Position Paper - Evaluation of Council Directive 2008/114 on European Critical Infrastructures

In the light of the European Commission’s Evaluation of Council Directive 2008/114, CoESS calls for a revision of the file and provides policy recommendations that would help to enhance the resilience of Critical Infrastructures in Europe.


Joint Statement - CoESS, ESTA and UNI Europa - The Need to Safeguard Cash

The Social Partners CoESS, ESTA and UNI Europa signed a Joint Declaration on the need to safeguard cash and call on the European Union to strictly enforce the legal tender status of cash.


Position Paper - European Business Services Alliance - Best Practices for Buying Social in the EU

The European Business Services Alliance (EBSA), representing providers of business services within a wide variety of sectors including CoESS, calls on the European Commission to ensure respect for social standards in the public procurement of services within the foreseen update of the "EU Buying Social Guide".


Position Paper - European Employers Joint Statement - Labour Shortages and Skills Mismatches

BusinessEurope, in cooperation with CoESS and 16 other European employer groups, provides recommendations to the EU on how to address the issue of labour shortages and skills mismatches.


Position Paper - Moving forward together for a more resilient Europe - 10 Recommendations

CoESS – together with its corresponding member ASSA-i – provides 10 recommendations to the EU institutions for the new legislative term.


Position Paper - Practical aspects of the implementation of Reg. (EU) 1025/2012 on European Standardisation

In response to DG GROW, CoESS comments on the European Commission’s efforts to elaborate the Guidance Document on practical aspects of the implementation of Regulation (EU) 1025/2012 on European Standardisation.


Agenda - EU Social Partner Conference INTEL


Position Paper - Good practices for the protection of public spaces

As a member of the EU Operators Forum, CoESS comments on the Commission non-paper on the Good Practices for the Protection of Public Spaces, to be developed by DG HOME.


Position Paper - European Commission Implementing Regulations on Drones

In the light of the EU Drone Regulation, CoESS raises security concerns about provisions on the open and specific category.


Position Paper - Response to EASA - Opinion 1/2018

In the light of the EU Drone Regulation, CoESS raises security concerns and asks for further information on the development of European Standard Scenarios for the operation of drones.


Position Paper - EASA Notice of Proposed Amendment 2017-05 (A) and (B)

CoESS raises concerns that the EU Drone Regulatory Framework does not sufficiently reflect security challenges.


Position Paper - The use of UA in Private Security

To support the development of Drone Standard Scenarios on EU-level, CoESS presents the currently envisaged uses of UA in the European Private Security Industry.


Position Paper - Study on the Security of European high-speed and international rail services

CoESS comments on the study on options for the Security of European high-speed and international rail services commissioned by DG MOVE and provides recommendations that would enhance rail transport's resilience against current and emerging threats.


Position Paper - European Parliament Report on an Aviation Strategy for Europe

ASSA-i, corresponding member of CoESS, comments on the Draft Parliament Report on an Aviation Strategy for Europe by MEP Pavel Telicka.


Position Paper - Passenger Screening for RoRo Ferries in Europe

CoESS raises security concerns regarding maritime passenger screening, and recommends that the inspections carried out by the Commission in the field of maritime security pay specific attention to the protection of ferry passengers.


Joint Statement - CoESS and UNI Europa - The private security sector in light of the increasing number of refugees in Europe

The Social Partners call for best value procurement of private security services for the protection of refugee housing and clearly established conditions for the provision of these services.


Position Paper - EASA - Proposal to create common rules for operating drones in Europe

CoESS comments EASA’s Proposal to create common rules for operating drones in Europe.

Position Paper

Moving forward together for a more resilient Europe - 10 Recommendations