
Social Dialogue discusses event security and disruptors of the private security industry

Together with representatives of national associations from all over Europe, CoESS and its social partner UNI Europa met on 11 June 2019 for the European Social Dialogue for private security services.

On behalf of UNI Europa, Alexander Bernd Herrmann, security guard and PhD candidate at the University of Innsbruck (Austria), presented lessons learned in the procurement of private security services for the Cycling World Championship, which takes place each year in Innsbruck. Best value procurement and risks associated to subcontracting, and the transfer of liability, were at the centre of this discussion. Both CoESS and UNI Europa agreed that best value instead of low-cost procurement is key to ensure the provision of high-quality security services performed by well-trained guards – a key pillar of security for mass events and public spaces.

Taking a look at future developments in the industry and related disruptors, CoESS and UNI Europa discussed topics such as platform work and the “war on cash” – supported by presentations given on behalf of CoESS by Riho Lutter (G4S, Estonia) and Thierry Lebeaux (European Security Transport Association).

A key focus for the rest of the year and beyond will be social partner activities related to the findings of the Anticipate Change Project, including an EU-wide survey on the state of private security legislation and services.